Mugwort Tea for Psychic Awareness

The traveler’s herb

By: Maelynn 

Whether seeking clarity in visions, insight into the unknown, or simply a deeper connection to the spiritual realms, our mugwort Infusion beckons all to embrace the magic within. Brew a cup, close your eyes, and allow the enchantment of mugwort to transport one to realms unseen, where the mysteries of the universe await exploration.

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History and Culture

Mugwort has a rich history as a herb believed to enhance psychic abilities. Across various cultures and traditions, mugwort has been revered for its mystical properties and its association with the spiritual realm. Ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Celts, all held mugwort in high esteem for its purported ability to stimulate psychic visions, enhance dreams, and deepen meditation. In traditional Chinese medicine, mugwort was used to open the “third eye” and stimulate spiritual awareness. European folklore often depicted mugwort as a protective herb against evil spirits and used it in rituals for divination and scrying. Today, mugwort continues to be embraced by modern practitioners of herbalism, paganism, and spiritualism for its potential to unlock hidden insights and foster connection with the metaphysical realms.

Time of the day and Lunar Correspondence

Drinking mugwort tea before bedtime is a common practice for those seeking to enhance dream recall, induce prophetic dreams, or achieve lucid dreaming states. This aligns with mugwort’s historical association with enhancing dream experiences.

Also, mugwort is associated with the moon, particularly the full moon, which is considered a potent time for enhancing psychic abilities and intuition. Drinking mugwort tea during lunar rituals can help align practitioners with the lunar energies and harness their intuitive powers.

Ingredient Properties

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

In term of health benefits, mugwort have antioxydant and have antimicrobial properties. It  used to alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating because of it’s an anti-inflammatory aid.   It’s been traditionally used to regulate menstruation and to ease menstrual symptoms. It is associated to the realm of dream and relaxation for it’s mild sedative effect. Magically, mugwort is associated with enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual awareness which is why it’s a powerful tool for divination. During dream work it facilitates vivid dreams, increased dream recall, and lucid dreaming states. It’s also has been used throughout history in sacred rituals for cleansing and purification, protection against negative energy and psychic attacks as well.

Peppermint (Mentha × piperita)

Nutritionally, mint is rich in vitamins A and C, which are important for eye health and immune function, respectively. It also contains trace amounts of fiber, iron, and manganese. When taken internally, it’s mainly use as a digestive aid for bloating, intestinal cramps and gas. It also help alleviate feelings of nausea and motion sickness, reduce appetite and fight off bacteria during cold when our throat is sore. Magically, mint is used for healing, protection, and prosperity. It clears stagnant energies, enhances mental clarity, and shields against negativity. 

Rose (Rosa acicularis)

When consume in a tea, roses are an antioxidant support for cellular health, contain anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce inflammation, and bring digestive relief by soothing the digestive tract to alleviating symptoms of indigestion. Roses possess enchanting magical properties, revered for their associations with love, beauty, and enchantment. They are often used in rituals for love spells, enhancing psychic abilities, and promoting emotional healing. Additionally, roses symbolize protection, purity, and divine connection, making them essential in rituals for spiritual purification and sacred ceremonies.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender is celebrated for its calming and relaxing properties, which can aid in reducing stress and improving sleep quality. It also soothes digestive discomfort. Its calming properties may help alleviate anxiety and stress. Additionally, lavender’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may support overall well-being and immune function.It is also a source of vitamin A, calcium, and iron, contributing to overall health and well-being. In magical practices, lavender is associated with love, peace, and purification, enhancing the tea’s ability to soothe the soul and invite tranquility.  

Honey/Agave Syrup

Honey is a natural sweetener packed with antioxidants, which can combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. It also contains vitamins and minerals like potassium and vitamin B6. Agave syrup, another natural sweetener, offers a lower glycemic index alternative. Both honey and agave carry magical properties of sweetness and abundance, attracting positive energy and celebrating the sweetness of life.

Mugwort Tea for Psychic Awareness

by Maelynn

Time Required: 3-4 hours for sun steeping; 5 minutes for preparation
Tools Required: Glass jar or pitcher, strainer, wooden spoon, serving glasses.
Yields: : 4-6 servings


  • 4-6 cups of filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons of dried mugwort leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of dried peppermint leaves
  • 1 tablespoons of dried rose petals
  • 1 tablespoon of dried lavender flowers
  • Honey or agave syrup to taste


  1. In a large glass jar or in a cooking pot, combine water, mugwort, mint, rose petals and lavender.
  2. Cover and place in a sunny spot to let steep for 3-4 hours, allowing the sun to infuse the tea. If you are boiling your water, make sure to remove the pot before boiling point and to let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture to remove herbs and tea leaves.
  4. Sweeten the tea with honey or agave syrup to taste, stirring well to dissolve.


Sweeteners: If avoiding sugar, stevia or monk fruit sweetener are great alternatives that don’t compromise the magical intent of the recipe.


    Rose Tincture
    Rose Tincture

    About the Authors

    Article: Covensteads Authors

    Our site’s collective authors are a group of diverse individuals who bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our collective articles. From Witchcraft practitioners to spiritual seekers, our authors share a common goal of bringing quality content to you.

    Recipe: Mario-Pierre

    Kimberly-Mai is a modern-day hedge witch, specializing in tinctures, brews, and mind-body wellness. With a deep passion for plants, food, and divination, she crafts spells and concoctions from her home-based sanctuary to promote holistic well-being.

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