
Our grimoires serve as a treasure trove of natural magic, thoughtfully curated for both novice and seasoned practitioners. These volumes are meticulously organized into various sections, each crafted to enrich your magical endeavors. Whether you’re stirring up potent tinctures, thumbing through our richly detailed recipe book, concocting soothing salves, or mastering the art of simple and complex infusions, you’ll find guidance combining precision with a touch of the mystical.

Step further into the enchanting world of divination, where you can hone your skills with ancient techniques, or immerse yourself in crafting magical objects that carry profound significance. Our chapters on oil infusions and syrups offer delightful ways to infuse everyday life with a dash of enchantment, while poultices provide gentle healing. Spellcraft allows you to weave intricate webs of intention, and observing the wheel of the year connects you deeply with the rhythmic pulse of the earth. The general herbalism section provides a foundational understanding, equipping you with the knowledge to explore the verdant world of herbs. Delve into each segment and discover a wealth of wisdom waiting to enhance your magical practice.

Grimoire featured image


Grimoires Culinary Featured



Grimoires Infusion Featured

Infusions & Deccoctions


Grimoires Oil Infusions Featured

Oil Infusions


Grimoires Spellcraft Featured



Grimoires Tincture



Grimoires Crafts Featured



Grimoires Syrups Featured



Grimoire Wheel Of The Year Featured

Wheel of the Year


Grimoire Salve

Salves & Balms


Grimoires Divination Featured



Grimoires Poultices Featured



Grimoire Herbalism Featured

Herbalism General