Dreamward Tincture

Guardian of the Night

By: Mario-Pierre

In the realm of sleep, where dreams and nightmares weave the tapestry of our subconscious, the Dreamward Tincture emerges as a guardian. Crafted with ancient wisdom and modern insight, this potent blend promises to escort you safely through the night, turning away the shadows that lurk in the depths of dreams. Dare to dream peacefully with this mystical concoction at your bedside.

rose tincture main


History and Culture

Dreams and nightmares have fascinated humanity across cultures and epochs, serving as gateways to the subconscious, omens of the future, or manifestations of internal strife. Scientifically, dreams are understood as the brain’s way of processing emotions, stimuli, and memories during REM sleep. Nightmares, particularly unsettling, often stem from stress, trauma, or anxiety, revealing our deepest fears and anxieties.

Culturally, dreams have been seen as messages from the divine, pathways to other worlds, or omens requiring interpretation. Nightmares have held significant cultural weight, believed to be omens of misfortune or the influence of malevolent spirits in many traditions. In contemporary contexts, PTSD-related nightmares highlight the profound impact of traumatic experiences on the human psyche, underscoring the need for protection and healing in our most vulnerable state—sleep.

The Dreamward Tincture draws upon a rich tapestry of scientific research and traditional knowledge concerning dreams. From the ancient Greeks, who sought healing and prophecy in dream temples, to indigenous practices that use dreamwork for guidance and healing, this tincture encapsulates the wisdom of ages. Within witchcraft, it serves as a protective and healing elixir, leveraging the power of herbs and crystals to shield the dreamer from negative energies and ensure a restful night’s embrace.

Seasonal Correspondences

The Dreamward Tincture finds its most potent energy when crafted under the gentle glow of the Full Moon, a time known for its heightened magical energies and its connection to intuition and dreams. However, its protective essence is particularly resonant during specific seasonal markers:

  • Samhain: As the veil between worlds thins, the tincture serves as a powerful ally in safeguarding the dreamer from unwanted spiritual disturbances, making it an ideal preparation for the end of October.

  • Winter Solstice (Yule): During the longest night of the year, when darkness envelops the land, the Dreamward Tincture offers warmth and protection, ensuring peaceful slumber and renewal as the light begins to return.

  • Imbolc: A time of purification and light, crafting the tincture as winter wanes invites protective energies for the coming spring, preparing the spirit for renewal and growth.

By aligning the creation and use of the Dreamward Tincture with these significant times, its protective and restorative powers are magnified, offering solace and strength in the cyclical journey of the year.

Ingredient Properties

Mugworth (Artemisia vulgaris)

This herb is esteemed for its spiritual significance, particularly in dream induction and protection during astral travel. Its use in dream pillows and as a protective herb in witchcraft is well-documented across various cultures. Scientifically, mugwort contains several active compounds like cineole, thujone, and camphor, which have been studied for their effects on the nervous system and potential to enhance vividness and recall of dreams. While direct scientific evidence linking mugwort to dream enhancement is limited, its long-standing use in traditional medicine as a digestive aid and for its calming effects provides a basis for its inclusion in practices related to sleep and dream work.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile’s dual role as a magical herb for attracting positive energy and a medicinal herb for promoting relaxation and sleep is supported by extensive scientific research and traditional lore. Its high antioxidant content, particularly of the flavonoid apigenin, has been shown to bind to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, offering anxiolytic and sedative effects. This biochemical action supports its traditional use in teas and tinctures for soothing anxiety and encouraging restful sleep. Chamomile’s magical associations with water and the moon enhance its role in rituals aimed at healing, purification, and emotional balance.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is revered for its formidable protective qualities, traditionally believed to shield individuals from negative energies and psychic disturbances. Its use in rituals aimed at grounding and protection underscores its valued place in spiritual practices, especially in contexts focused on enhancing sleep and guarding against unwelcome dream intrusions. Scientifically, black tourmaline possesses piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, enabling it to generate electrical charges under mechanical stress or temperature variations. These recognized capabilities suggest a plausible mechanism for its reputed effectiveness in influencing and stabilizing energy fields. Such attributes potentially underlie its application in energy work, aiming to bolster protective and grounding energies in spaces dedicated to sleep and dreaming, thereby merging traditional beliefs with contemporary scientific understanding.

Dreamward Tincture

by Maelyn

Time Required1 lunar cycle (approximately 4 weeks) for infusion; 30 minutes for preparation and bottling.
Tools Required: Glass jar, fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth, dark glass bottle with dropper, sterilization equipment.
Yields: Yields approximately 500 ml (about 17 ounces).
Dosage: 1 to 2 ml


  • 1 tablespoon dried mugwort
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile
  • 1 small black tourmaline crystal (cleansed)
  • High-proof alcohol (enough to cover the herbs and crystal in the jar)
  • Purified water (optional, to dilute if desired)


  1. Sterilize the glass jar and prepare your workspace.
  2. Combine mugwort and chamomile in the jar; add the black tourmaline.
  3. Pour high-proof alcohol over the ingredients until fully submerged.
  4. Seal the jar and place in a dark, cool place for one lunar cycle, shaking gently every few days.
  5. After infusion, strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth, removing solids and crystal.
  6. Optionally, dilute the tincture with purified water to taste.
  7. Transfer the liquid to a dark glass bottle with a dropper for easy use.

For those sensitive to alcohol, a glycerin-based solvent can be used as an alternative, maintaining the tincture’s effectiveness while offering a non-alcoholic option.



    For adults, a common starting dose is:

    • 1 to 2 milliliters (about 20 to 40 drops), taken 1 to 3 times daily.

    It’s important to listen to your body and adjust the dosage accordingly. For purposes related to sleep and dreaming, such as with the Dreamward Tincture, you might take a dose about 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime to allow the herbs to exert their calming and protective effects. Always consider consulting with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications, to ensure that the tincture is safe for you to use.

    Rose Tincture
    Rose Tincture

    Please note that a single dose of this tincture (1ml, or approximately 20 drops) includes a modest quantity of alcohol. While the amount is significantly less than that found in standard alcoholic beverages, it may still be of concern to individuals avoiding alcohol due to health, personal beliefs, or religious reasons. If you are sensitive to alcohol or prefer to abstain from it, consider seeking a glycerin-based alternative for this tincture. Always consult with a healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns about incorporating alcohol-based products into your wellness routine.

    About the Authors

    Article: Covensteads Authors

    Our site’s collective authors are a group of diverse individuals who bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our collective articles. From Witchcraft practitioners to spiritual seekers, our authors share a common goal of bringing quality content to you.

    Recipe: Maelyn

    Maelyn is a modern-day hedge witch, specializing in tinctures, brews, and mind-body wellness. With a deep passion for plants, food, and divination, she crafts spells and concoctions from her home-based sanctuary to promote holistic well-being.

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